ROBO Course Guide
We recommend taking the following classes to learn useful skills for robotics and research:
Undergraduate Courses
See overview here:
- CS 3630 Introduction to Perception and Robotics
- ECE 4560 Introduction to Automation and Robotics
- ME 4451 Robotics
- AE 4552 Introduction to Humans & Autonomy
- CS 3600 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- CS 4641 Machine Learning
- AE 3531 Control System Analysis and Design
- ECE 3550 Feedback Control Systems
- ME 4452 Control of Dynamic Systems
- ECE 4550 Control System Design
- AE 4803 R Robotics and Autonomy
- ME 4012 Motion Controls
Graduate Courses
See overview here:
- AE/BMED/CS/ECE/ME 7785 Introduction to Robotics Research
- AE 6210 Advanced Dynamics I
- AE 6530 Multivariable Linear Systems and Control
- CS 6601 Artificial Intelligence
- CS 6476 Introduction to Computer Vision
- ECE 6550 Linear Systems and Controls
- ME 6401 Linear Control Systems
- ME 6406 Machine Vision
- ME 6407 Robotics
- ME 6441 Dynamics of Mechanical Systems
- MATH 4317 Analysis I
- MATH 6337 Real Analysis I
- MATH 6441 Algebraic Topology I
- MATH 6442 Algebraic Topology II
- MATH 6455 Differential Geometry I
- MATH 6456 Differential Geometry II
- MATH 7338 Functional Analysis